We had a lot of representation at this year’s Oregon Speech-Language and Hearing Association Conference! Our participants this year included: Dr. Shune, collaborator Dr. Reva Barewal, current Ph.D. students David Bayne, Ting-fen Lin, and Bedoor Nagshabandi; lab alumni Rachel Gulliford, Marissa White, and Lauren Zinnershine.
Barewal, R. & Shune, S. (2020). Transitional foods: Updates on their behavior, use, and benefits in both adult and pediatric populations.
*Bayne, D., *Gulliford, R., Thompson, A., *White, M., & Shune, S. (2020). Developing a hospital-based simulation lab for increased educational exposure.
*Bayne, D., Barewal, R., & Shune, S. (2020). The use of enhanced foods to reduce malnourishment.
*Lin, T., Deshmukh, R., & Shune, S. (2020). Swimming against the currents of work-related stress in healthcare.
*Zinnershine, L., *Nagshabandi, B., & Shune, S. (2020). Speech-language pathologists’ perceptions of factors affecting dysphagia adherence in the inpatient setting.