Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dining Health – A Person-Centered Approach to Improving the Eating Experience

Dr. Shune and Dr. Barewel present a webinar focusing on improving the eating experience through a person-centered approach. An additional look into how transitional foods can be therapeutic, providing additional sensory stimulation, and yet still fit under IDDSI food safety guidelines.


Links to the webinar recording, handouts, and samples for the Savorease crisps can be found here.

New publication on caregiver burden

Congratulations to Dr. Shune and her collaborator Ashwini Namasivayam-MacDonald (Adelphi University) for their recent publication, “The Burden of Dysphagia on Family Caregivers of the Elderly: A Systematic Review”. The O-SEE Lab has long been dedicated to exploring the more comprehensive influences of dysphagia and we are excited to be pursuing this new line of research! You can read this open-access article here:

O-SEE lab members to present at OSHA annual conference

We are excited to announce that Meredith Meyer, a CDS graduate student, and Anyasha Aragon, a soon-to-be CDS undergrad alumna, have been accepted to present their work at the Oregon Speech-Language & Hearing Annual Conference this October. They will be presenting of their work, “Regulating Rate of Eating in Patients with Dysphagia: The Effectiveness of Smartforks.” We hope to connect with many of your there!