Author Archives: sshune

Congratulations, Dr. Shune

We are so pleased to announce that Dr. Shune has been recognized at the recipient of the 2019 A.J. Ersted Award for Distinguished Teaching, one of the highest teaching honors at the University of Oregon.

She received her crystal apple in a surprise classroom visit from Provost, Dean, Department Head, and Program Director earlier this term and had the privilege of leading the graduates’ processional while carrying the university mace during commencement.

You can read more about her award and teaching inspiration:

Congratulations, Dr. Shune!

Better Speech and Hearing Month Conferences

The term may be wrapping up, but the O-SEE lab is staying busy presenting their work. What better time to educate individuals from outside of our field than during Better Speech and Hearing Month?

Congratulations to senior Bri Southworth on a great poster presentation at this year’s Undergraduate Research Symposium!

And thank you Dr. Shune for discussing dysphagia and its impact on caregivers at the American Geriatrics Society conference.

Dysphagia Research Society 2019 recap – and a win!

Dr. Shune and curent PhD student Ting-fen Lin represented the lab at this year’s Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting in San Diego. We received wonderful feedback on our two presentations:

Oral presentation: Shune, S. & Namasivayam-MacDonald, A. Dysphagia as an independent risk factor for burden among caregivers of aging parents.

Poster presentation: Lin, T. & Shune, S. Mealtime mind-body-breath interplay in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

A HUGE congratulations to Ting-fen on winning an award for third place poster presentation! Such an exciting accomplishment.


New nursing home publication

Congratulations to Dr. Shune and her collaborator Dr. Deanna Linville (Couples and Family Therapy, University of Oregon) on their new publication exploring the meaning of successful dining for individuals with dysphagia in the nursing home setting in the International Journal of Nursing Studies. Check our our publications list for more information!

Dysphagia increases emotional caregiver burden

Be sure to check out the newest caregiver burden article by Dr. Shune and her collaborator Ashwini Namasivayam-MacDonald (Adelphi University) that has just been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Gerontology. This new study supports the widespread consequences of dysphagia on the family system as spousal caregivers of older adults with dysphagia were found to have increased emotional burden as compared to spousal caregivers of older adults without dysphagia. Check out our publications page for more information!

Congrats Drs. Shune and Namasivayam-MacDonald on continuing to expand the boundaries of dysphagia research!

Accepted presentations for ASHA 2018

This year looks to be another busy year for the O-SEE lab at the ASHA Convention – especially on Friday! Come hear what we have been working on:

Shune, S. & Linville, D. (Couples and Family Therapy Program, University of Oregon). Using a biopsychosocial-spiritual framework for treating families adapting to chronic conditions. ePoster, Friday, November 16, 10 AM, CC/Hall C

Shune, S. & Morano-Villhauer, A. (Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, IA). Maximizing outcomes across transitions: How can we best support patients and families. Seminar, Friday, November 16, 3:45 PM, Westin/Commonwealth C

Nagshabandi, B. & Shune, S. An ecological model of factors contributing to patient compliance in dysphagia management. Poster, Friday, November 16, 10:30 AM, CC/Hall C

Lin, T. & Shune, S. Mealtimes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease through a psychoemotional lens. Poster, Friday, November 16, 2:30 PM, CC/Hall C

New publication on caregiver burden

Congratulations to Dr. Shune and her collaborator Ashwini Namasivayam-MacDonald (Adelphi University) for their recent publication, “The Burden of Dysphagia on Family Caregivers of the Elderly: A Systematic Review”. The O-SEE Lab has long been dedicated to exploring the more comprehensive influences of dysphagia and we are excited to be pursuing this new line of research! You can read this open-access article here:

O-SEE lab members to present at OSHA annual conference

We are excited to announce that Meredith Meyer, a CDS graduate student, and Anyasha Aragon, a soon-to-be CDS undergrad alumna, have been accepted to present their work at the Oregon Speech-Language & Hearing Annual Conference this October. They will be presenting of their work, “Regulating Rate of Eating in Patients with Dysphagia: The Effectiveness of Smartforks.” We hope to connect with many of your there!

Tani Doherty’s MA Thesis Defense

The O-SEE Lab wrapped up a busy thesis season today with Tani successfully defending her MA thesis. Tani presented on “The relationship between proprioception and respiration during eating in young adults”. While we missed getting a picture of her during her defense, we luckily snapped a picture of her celebrating with Dr. Shune later in the day! A BIG congratulations to you Tani and a HUGE thank you for all your help in lab these past two years.